when you're on God's intended path, the devil will try "everything" to get you off of it...2/26/2018 There is a constant battle for your soul. Good vs evil (or in REAL terms, God vs the devil). Early on after accepting Jesus into my life I read a book called "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis. It's a narrative about how the devil and his cohorts work on us to WIN (so to speak) our very soul. The devil and his minions are constantly trying to keep us away from God's intended path that will lead us to Him. They want to tempt us with worldly things, or mire us in constant sin, thus keeping us out of His light. Whether it's money, prestige, online "endeavors" (ie., adulterous behavior or pornography), or SIMPLY getting us to "worry" about things going on in our lives (yes, just WORRYING, instead of "trusting" God is a bad thing). It's a great perspective on how the OTHER side is trying to win the ULTIMATE battle so I highly recommend it.
Why is this so important? When you are seeking God, or after you've allowed Him into your heart (and He subsequently has "great" things planned for you), guess what’ll happen? The devil will NOT be pleased with this revelation of yours. So, guess what he and the rest of his loser minions do? By the way, I use the word “loser” purposely here as the devil, being the proud sprite that he is, can NOT stand to be scorned…so, “scorn him” every chance you get!!! The devil will come after you with EVERYTHING he has in order to turn you away from your path towards salvation. No joke! You’ll be sitting there one day, and it’ll be one thing after another, after another, after another, until finally you’ll be like, “what the HECK?!?” or “really Lord?”. This is virtually GUARANTEED to happen when you are on the “right” path. I’ve been there. In fact, I STILL find myself there at times lol. Even though you accept Jesus, it doesn’t mean the devil gives up on you. Far from it, as if he can turn you back from the light, what a prized “catch” you are down below! There is good news however. No matter what the evil one throws at you, God ALWAYS has an answer. Each and EVERY day put on the full “Armor of God” (Ephesians 6:10-18) to withstand the schemes of the enemy. The more often the devil comes at you, the more you’ll begin to recognize what’s he's up to, and you can tell him to get lost. I’m not saying it’ll be easy, but take a deep breath, step back from that last “straw” that just broke your back, and say, “Lord Jesus, I know you’ve got this, so I’m not going to worry about it any longer” and just release it onto Him. God is BIG enough to handle it from there. God commands us to not worry about anything, but instead pray about everything (Philippians 4:6-7). Therein lies faith folks. God has BIG plans for you so don’t ever let the devil impede that path.
1 Comment
10/12/2024 05:21:53 pm
Thank you so much this is what i needed as im going through gods testing and the unfair jeporadization of my relationship with my significant other to be due to her parents interfering and currently have no means of communicating with her so the devil constantly makes me worry and makes me overthink as i have fully dedicated my walk with the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of all this uncertianty and fear i have given it all unto him and i believe that he will reunite me with her again and that the devil shall not break me emotionally and physically in the name of Jesus Amen!
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