“Destroy this temple and, in three days, I will raise it up.” (John 2:19)
Jesus said this after driving out sheep, cattle, turning over tables of money changers and scolding all those selling doves inside the temple in Jerusalem saying, “Stop making my Father’s house a marketplace!” Rarely did his disciples see this kind of anger from Jesus. What they didn’t know at the time (as well as all those who challenged Jesus about his authority in doing these things) was their understanding of the word “temple”. For you see, the temple in Jerusalem had been under construction for forty-six years, so how could Jesus possibly raise it back up in only THREE days??? Well, Jesus wasn’t talking about the ACTUAL building itself, but rather was referring to the temple being his own body. What sheep, cattle, doves, money tables, etc., are you carrying around in “your” temple? How about past mistakes, broken relationships, worry, anger, lust and other “junk” we clutter our temples with. We carry around so much SIN sometimes that we can’t even function. Depression, addiction, greed, fear can all find a seat at the table in our temples at times. With all this “junk” packed away in our temples, it’s no wonder we have a hard time seeing God through all that clutter. But what’s the answer? Burn your temple down? Would you burn down a house just because it’s filled with “clutter”? Of course not. Here’s an idea. How about pulling up a big ‘ole dumpster in front of your temple and CLEAN HOUSE. Sound hard? It’s easier than you may think. What’s separating you RIGHT NOW from being 100% committed to God or is hindering your relationship with Him? Drugs? Alcohol? Online porn? Selfishness? Only you know, but this list could go on and on as satan is good at taking our eyes off of where they need to be. Whatever it is, THROW IT IN THE DUMPSTER! And, here’s why. God used to dwell in “physical” buildings in the Old Testament, but when Jesus died on the cross for us, He now dwells in our very bodies via the Holy Spirit. When we accept Jesus into our heart, the Holy Spirit enters our body. At that moment our body (temple) is NO LONGER ours but belongs to God. What about all that clutter (past, present and future sins) that are in our temple? All gone. Jesus took ALL of your “junk” with him when he went to the cross and died so that you may be saved. How’s that for “Good News”! So, if you haven’t taken this crucial step yet in your life, let’s do it now. Romans 9: 9-10 says, “9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” Congratulations on your salvation newfound child of God! And with that, I will close by saying, “Now, look inside of your dumpster. Remember all that "junk" that you had thrown in there and piled high towards the sky? See anything interesting in there now? Of course not, because your dumpster has been completely emptied.” Amen.
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May 2024