At some point in our lives, we'll experience a situation where we just don't understand why something is happening to us (and perhaps MANY times during our lifetimes). Not only do we not understand what's going on, but then we'll turn our eyes to the sky and say, "why God?". For believer and non believer alike, when we encounter something we don't understand, especially a suffering, it's natural for us to cry out. In the movies, people will scream "oh my god!" before falling off a cliff or being jettisoned off of a space ship because someone opened a door. In fact, look at one of the most used texts of all time, "OMG" (or "oh my god" for short). It's at these points in life that God is trying to either "reach" us or "teach" us. If you haven't accepted Jesus into your heart when you experience an "OMG" moment, then God is probably trying to get you to listen to Him. What's He trying to say? In all likelihood God's trying to break down your selfishness that you can do everything on your own, and thus, are refusing to acknowledge that you NEED Him.
I know in my case that was exactly what happened. Sometimes it can occur with one instance, but for others, it can be a long drawn out process. For me personally, it took YEARS, which goes to show you what a stubborn son of a gun I was. The bottom line here is, if you are experiencing an OMG moment, but haven't yet accepted Christ, then God is trying to use this experience to reach you and bring you into His loving embrace. But, what if I have accepted Jesus? Why then is God allowing these things to happen in my life? Doesn't He love me? Didn't He promise not to harm me? "OMG, I just don't understand why this is happening to me!" we'll cry out. Yes, these aren't easy moments for believers either. When these situations occur in our lives, we'll search for our own answers. Maybe I broke my leg because I didn't go to church last Sunday. Maybe I lost a bunch of money because I wasn't tithing. Maybe my family member got sick because, even though I accepted Jesus last year, I haven't been living the life He's called me to lead. God created us as perfect human beings, but when Adam and Eve took a bite of the apple all that changed. Because of that, we'll try and search for "reasons" for why certain things happen to us. The reality is this, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5). Yes, God could be trying to "teach" us something by creating or ordaining the situation we are in. Or, it may also be a test of our faith. My recommendation is that when we are in the midst of these circumstances, is to draw yourself ever closer to Him. Spend MORE time in prayer, spend MORE time reading the Bible, spend MORE time in devotion to Him. Use this season to allow God to speak to you via the resources He's provided. I'm not saying the situation will resolve itself to your "earthly" desires, but it could be God wants to see how faithful you really are. Are you "only" faithful to Him in the LIGHT (good times)? Or, will you be "equally" as faithful to him in the DARKNESS (rough times)? Throughout the Bible, God puts some of His strongest and most faithful children through trials and experiences that they couldn't understand either. But in the end, their FAITH ultimately prevailed and God was well pleased with them. Whether God is trying to "reach" you or to "teach" you, you just need to TRUST in Him. He, and HE ONLY, knows what's best for you. Whatever the experience you find yourself in, just remember this, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9) And to THAT I say, "Amen"!
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May 2024