Have you ever talked to people who say they do not believe there is a God? Or people who say they believe there is a higher power, but don’t know what it is or if it is God. Maybe even people who say, oh if there is a God, he is such a loving God that he is ok with the things I do, wrong or right. Then there's the ones who say, well if there is a God, tell me why he allows me to be hurt or to have to live like I do in all the pain and sorrow.
The fact is: We Are Not To Question God, Period. We were created by God, for God, and to Serve God, and no matter what happens to us or as hard as it may be, we are to praise him in the good and the bad. 1Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Have you ever had something so bad happen to you, you just could not for the life of you understand why. But later on you found it to be a blessing instead. See our flesh thinks it knows everything, and what it does not know, it will argue it does. There will even be people reading this who are sitting there thinking, right, I am the only one who knows what is best for me and no one can tell or teach me any different. But the fact is….There is a GOD and only God knows what is best for us…We are (Allowed) to make Choices for our lives. My choice is to believe for I know there is a God! He lives in my life and shows me every day just how much he loves and takes care of me. He talks to me, he walks with me and helps me whenever I am in need. I am not perfect and I have trials same as everyone does, but God is always there for me. God is first in my life and always will be. He has shown himself to me time and time again. I am at peace with my flesh because it belongs to God, for I am not my own. You can have that peace also. That is what happens to a person when they believe God lives, and ask him to live in them. God is alive!! I cannot make you believe , but I ask that you will not wait till something goes wrong in your life to call on God and give your life to him. Give your life to God because you want to before it's too late, let him show you how much he loves you too….And, Believe… John 14:6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. God Bless you all today in all you do!!!! SFFT,CPH (from Spirit Food for Thought)
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January 2025