Did Millions of People Just “Disappear"?
Jesus Came! What's next? If this event has just happened, I am truly sorry you are reading this letter right now. If I had witnessed the instantaneous removal of every born again Christian and follower of Jesus Christ from the earth, and the resulting chaos, I would be absolutely terrified right now. My purpose in writing this letter is to help you survive, and to share what you can expect next. That said, if this hasn’t happened quite yet, make no mistake, IT SOON WILL (and you still have time to do something about it). First of all, please understand that it wasn't “aliens”, "climate change", or any other lie that the government and media is currently telling you where everyone went (regardless of how plausible it sounds or even “appeared” to you). Between Hollywood and the government, they have the tools to deceive anyone. Don't buy it for a second, as your life depends on it. Also don't believe the lies from the “left behind” professing christians and churches that are saying “it couldn't have been Jesus, because we’re still here!” Well, there's a reason they're still here (which I'll address later). Don't believe them, for they are children of the father of lies (John 8:44). So, what did happen? All the people who trusted in Jesus, in His shed blood on the cross for the forgiveness of their sins and believed in His resurrection (Romans 10:9-13, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4), have bypassed death and are now safely in Heaven at a moment called the “Rapture” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52). Heaven can still be YOUR destiny too. Whatever your background, whatever your mistakes, Jesus Christ is the "key" to unlock eternity with God, and with all those who have just disappeared. If by chance you happen to be reading this letter and the Rapture has not happened yet, I implore you to get right with Jesus IMMEDIATELY! He’s standing at the door, your door, awaiting an invitation to come in (Revelation 3:20). Invite Him in today! Jesus/God became man, died for our sins, was buried, and rose again according to the Scriptures, so by His shed blood on the cross, you can be saved when you BELIEVE and put your FAITH in Him for the forgiveness of your sins. There's nothing you can do to "earn" salvation, as it's a free gift from Jesus when you believe and put your trust in Him. Find a Bible and look up Romans 3:10, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, John 3:16-18, 2 Peter 3:9, John 6:40, Romans 10:9-13, and Ephesians 2:8-9. My dear friend, please don't delay, as you don't want to now be “left behind” when the Rapture soon does take place. Time is quickly running out. If the Rapture has already happened, and tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions have vanished, PLEASE keep reading. Now is the time to rethink your belief system. As it states in Matthew 7:21-23, people who thought they had Heaven locked up by their good works, or by simply attending church or saying a few prayers, are now quite surprised and horrified that they “too” have been left behind. As, at this point, Jesus has said to them, “I never knew you.” Many probably thought of Jesus as their “buddy”, but sadly never had a personal and saving relationship with Him. It's like knowing who the President is, but not "personally" knowing him (nor he you). There is a huge difference between factual knowledge and a relationship. Seek that “relationship” with Jesus now and receive His forgiveness. Perhaps you had entirely dismissed Christianity as ridiculous, narrow minded, bigoted, or unjust. Maybe you even said, “How can Jesus be the ONLY way? That’s not fair!” Being left behind now should be your wake-up-call that Jesus is indeed the ONLY way. Please commit to Him today, calling on His name for the forgiveness of your sins. For today, when you hear His voice, don't harden your heart (Hebrews 3:15). God’s wrath is coming. I pray that you have now taken this all important and ETERNAL step with Jesus at this point, and if so, I'll be looking forward to seeing you one day soon. But until that time, I don't want to sugar coat what you're about to experience the next 7 years. This horrific period is known as the “Tribulation”. A time of God’s judgement on humanity for its rebellion and rejection of His son Jesus. What's coming is God’s just and due wrath upon a Christ rejecting and sinful world. His wrath will be awful. One judgement after another as described in the book of Revelation. Even if you have now received Jesus’ forgiveness, you are liable to die for Him, just as He died for you. In the Bible it even talks about those that are following Jesus being beheaded by those who continue to rebel against Him (Revelation 20:4). I don't say this to frighten you, but as a warning of what Scripture states (so that you may be prepared). Read the New Testament, starting with Matthew, over and over again to obtain more knowledge of what’s yet to come. Remember, God had patience with you before the Rapture, and didn’t want you to have to experience this period. So today, I want to encourage you to now TRUST in Jesus if you haven’t yet, as He'll help you persevere through these hard times ahead (as you must endure to the end). What else do you need to know? The people now left behind will divide into two groups. The majority will be looking to the government to save them and restore order. In the past, you may have heard of the "anti-Christ" (a one world leader), the false prophet (the anti-Christ’s right hand man), and the “mark of the beast” (a yet future mark of allegiance you will have to take or die). The anti-Christ will come into power as the nations around the world grant him all authority, as the world will be in chaos. He will rule with an iron fist and violently oppose those that are now following Jesus after the Rapture. In addition, the anti-Christ will institute a "mark", a symbol or implant of some kind, that ALL must take in worship of him (roughly 3 ½ years “after” the rapture, so mark that date). Without this mark, people will not be able to transact any commerce whatsoever. People will not be able to buy food, water, resources, or obtain any kind of governmental services without this “mark”. In other words, they will be locked out of society. They will become outcasts at best, or a hated enemy at worst. No matter what the situation or how hard things may become, DO NOT ACCEPT THIS MARK, which will be placed on one’s forehead or right hand (see Revelation 13:16-17). This mark could also come disguised as a beneficial “health” requirement (a so-called cure for all disease perhaps), transhumanism (evil’s attempt to improve upon God’s original design of your body), or maybe even come with the promise of “eternal life”. Don’t believe it! As when one is in Christ, “this world” is not our final destination, but instead will be the New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21). Please understand that there is NO HOPE for those that take this “mark”. Do not take it even if it means death. Earthly survival is not worth an eternity in Hell (Revelation 13:11-18, Revelation 14:9-11). I suspect that your survival will now depend on your ability to function outside of the system that you've become accustomed to, due to the anti-Christ and his “system” being in complete control worldwide. Get smart. Get offline. Do not leave an electronic trail. No credit cards, only cash, or barter (if possible). That said, cash won’t last long, and may even go away immediately after the Rapture. Why? Because as I discussed above, the new anti-Christ system will forbid anyone to buy or sell without the “mark” at some point, so they'll want to begin tracking your, and everyone's, EVERY move and EVERY transaction right away. Think social credit score, in that you either do what they tell you to do, or you won’t be able to get what you need to survive. Technology and artificial intelligence (AI) will also play MAJOR roles in the years ahead. From monitoring your every move, to enforcing their will on the population, to outright deception, be very careful of who and what you’re listening to and trusting in. In fact, you may even get FAKE VIDEO/VOICE MESSAGES from friends and family who disappeared in the Rapture (generated by AI). Don’t believe it (it’s NOT them)! These evil people will stop at nothing to manipulate you and get you to do what they want. Resist them at all costs. Lastly, embrace hope! Jesus promises to return at the end of this 7-year Tribulation period to reign forevermore. He will return as the conquering and victorious King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus came the first time as a sacrificial Lamb for us (John 1:29), but when He returns this last time, it will be as the Lion from the tribe of Judah! When you receive Jesus' forgiveness, connect immediately with God through prayer and study, as well as with other followers of Jesus for support during this difficult time. Read the Bible and learn to recognize the Shepherd’s voice, Jesus’ voice, as you navigate this time ahead (John 10:4). If you still haven't turned to Jesus for the forgiveness of “your” sins yet, may I ask, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? “And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27) This is life and death serious. Eternal life and eternal death serious. We will all spend eternity somewhere, it’s just a matter of location. Jesus loves you, He died for you, so why not believe, trust, and live for Him now? For when you do, you will also live with Him FOREVER! Jesus’ forgiveness, His gift of grace, does have an expiration date, and you’ve likely passed up the “Best If Used By” date (the Rapture), but if not, you can “still” be a part of it so BELIEVE today! If you did miss it, don’t let this last date expire when He comes again, as all that will remain for you that day is regret, despair, and everlasting torment. Remembering forever how it could’ve been different had you chosen not to harden your heart this day, but instead, received Jesus’ forgiveness and accepted His mercy (John 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:17). Love must be freely given, otherwise it’s not love, and Jesus isn’t going to force anyone into a relationship with Him. Life versus death. Heaven versus Hell. The choice is clear, but which will “you” choose? Jesus’ part is finished (John 19:30), the rest is up to you my friend (John 3:36). Admit you’re a sinner, Believe Jesus is Lord, and Call upon His name. I truly hope you do, as I would love to meet you when all is said and done (and hear about your journey from this day forward). Let today be THE day of your salvation! May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you and give you peace.
10/14/2023 10:37:58 pm
Please I want to be saved by Jesus Christ!!!!
Nathan Cowen
10/15/2023 08:27:01 pm
My friend, Jesus has completed the "work" for you to be saved, you just need to believe that and ask Him to forgive you and to apply His sacrifice to your sins.
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January 2025